Each loan is asked to return two values: risk level and amount of the loan. 要求每份贷款返回两个值:风险级别和贷款额。
They also can step in and buy a developer's other outstanding debts-such as accounts payable-while demanding collateral in return, which similarly frees up the developer to repay its trust loan. 它们同样也可以收购开发商的应付账款等其他债务,同时要求开发商提供抵押,这样做同样也可以让开发商腾出手来偿还信托贷款。
You buy my goods and, in return, I give you the money back in the form of a loan. 你购买我的商品,而作为回报,我以贷款的形式将资金返还给你。
At the time, rather than wait for M& A deals to return, he decided to build expertise in loan restructuring, to win business advising the many firms that were struggling with their debts. 其时的默里斯并没有消极坐等业务量回升,而是决定在贷款重组方面增强实力,为众多债务问题缠身的公司提供顾问服务。
By the end of last year, the return rate on loan principals and interests reached 100%, and realized an accumulative total profits of 10 million US dollars. 到去年末,贷款的本息回收达到百分之百,累计实现利润一千万美元。
The English midfielder will return to the MLS team next month as scheduled after his loan agreement with AC Milan ends. 这位英格兰中场在他与AC米兰的租借期满后,按照预先安排将在下个月返回洛杉矶银河队。
Saviola is a contender to replace Valeri Bojinov in the Bianconeri squad, who seems set to return to Fiorentina after struggling during his loan spell. 萨维奥拉很可能是斑马军团中博吉诺夫的代替者,小博看起来租借期满后将回到佛罗伦萨。
Stefano Fiore may return to Italy following his loan experience with Fiorentina in the past season, but this time it would be on a definite contract. 费奥雷在结束了租借给佛罗伦萨的一个赛季经历后,将真正回到意大利,这次是一个明确的合同。
Return in the loan of credit agency now e.g.me, but accrual is illuminated every months hand in not by accident. 比如说我现在在信用社的贷款还没还,但是利息每月照交不误。
In Brazil, Sinopec and PetroChina will be able to buy up to 160,000 barrels a day from Petrobras, the Brazilian oil group, which in return received a$ 10bn loan from China Development Bank. 在巴西,中石化和中石油将可从巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)购买最多每日16万桶的石油,后者则获得中国国家开发银行(CDB)100亿美元的贷款。
Milan outcast Ricardo Oliveira insists that he has earned a return from his loan spell at Real Zaragoza at the end of the season. 米兰弃将里卡多。奥利维拉坚称他会在赛季末结束皇家萨拉格萨的租借后回归。
Giuseppe Rossi is unlikely to return to Italy next season despite his recent successful loan spell with Parma. 罗西未必会在新赛季返回意大利,虽然他在租借到帕尔马时表现得很出色。
The borrower may, after return the original certificate of creditability back, prepay all or any part of the loan. 借款人归还本资信证明书正本后可以提前退还全部或部分贷款。
When breaking up value, include to break up appreciate to be mixed partly did not return loan debt. 分割价值时,包括分割升值部分和未还贷款债务。
Ferguson gave no credence to rumours that David Beckham could return on loan during the MLS close season. 弗格森也排出了贝克汉姆重返曼联的可能。
Liverpool have already agreed to let Spearing return on loan but may even be tempted to sell him. 据悉利物浦已经认同了继续将斯皮尔灵租借出去的做法,并很有可能考虑将他永久卖掉。
You mean, do you have to do any favors in return for a loan of twenty million dollars? 你的意思是说,你是否必须为两千万美元的贷款做些什么来报恩吗?
In return, bond holders get back the loan amount plus interest payments. 作为回报,债券持有人获得的是借款数额再加上利息。
Liverpool could see Emiliano Insua make a shock return to the club after Galatasaray manager Gheorghe Hagi insisted he wanted no loan players in his squad. 由于加拉塔萨雷的新教练哈吉坚持球队不应该拥有任何租借而来的球员,因此因苏亚很有可能在半个赛季后就回归到安菲尔德。
The current situation that the contradictory and conflict judgments coexist indicates that the guarantor's liability in the dispute of the return the loan with the loan is fuzzy, even confused. 相互矛盾和冲突的判决并存的现状表明,以贷还贷纠纷中保证人的责任,不啻是模糊的,甚至是混乱的。
With a large amount of RMB deposit in China and a low loan rate, it will bring the government a great burden to return the foreign credit loan and to use project financing under government guarantee because of its high cost and strict conditions. 尤其是在目前国内人民币存款数额巨大,贷款利息较低的情况下,再使用政府担保的项目融资,不仅成本高、条件严格,而且还给政府造成沉重的还贷压力。
Thought on the Effectiveness of Loan Contract about "Return of Old Loan With New Loan" 对以贷还贷借款合同效力的思考
Then, we simulate the return of the loan in different enterprise bankrupt rate and ascertain the correlation of the loan. 从而模拟各个企业不同破产率时的贷款收益,确定出了组合贷款之间的相关性。
Last century 80's, in order to alleviate the shortage of the highway constructional funds, China started to practice "loan repair road, charges return loan" policy of the highway, bridge, the tunnel construction. 上个世纪80年代,为缓解公路建设资金的不足,我国开始实行路、桥、隧道建设的贷款修路、收费还贷政策。
Fixed return contracts will induce venture behavior of regional managers, making loan exceed optimized level; 固定报酬合约将诱发地区经理的冒险行为,使贷款超过最优水平;
Analysis of risk ard return of student-aiding loan system 助学贷款之风险与回报分析
This thesis tries to resolve this problem by Society security card, which means once students break the faith the banks have an imperative mean to force them to return student loan. 本文试图通过建立社保卡的方式解决大学生毕业后流动性大、追踪困难的问题,当学生贷款违约时可以有一种强制手段促使学生归还助学贷款。
At last, it analyzes the result of micro-credit risk and return equilibrium. Banks determine loan interest rate and the size of loan when the marginal risk is equal to income marginal risk cost. 本章最后对小额信贷风险与收益均衡的运行机制进行了分析,认为银行将会在边际风险收益等于边际风险成本处确定贷款利率和贷款数量。